Friday, September 18, 2009

So Smart!!!

I sure miss this little guy when he is at preschool (3 hours is a long time). So does Carter!

Ammon is learning sooooooo much in his new preschool. I think his preschool in St. George was just a social hour. Anyways, here they teach the sounds instead of the letter. It's totally effective with Ammon, he is catching on so quickly. I just had to show you (especially grandma) how good he can write his name. This is on his "mmm" homework. Good job Bud!


Watts Family said...

holy cow thats awesome!!! WAY better than Mason

Clenece said...

oh...I love it when they first start writing. Definitely a keepsake! GREAT JOB AMMON!

Jess said...

Go Ammon! I can't believe how much he is learning at that preschool!