Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's the most wonderful time of the YEAR!

Carter is trying to eat the sheep out of our nativity set... he's a crack up and did I say a MAJOR Mommas boy!!!! I can't walk out of a room without him crying... augh!

These pictures were taken last Sunday before Church. Ammon wants to go to Disneyland again, that's why they have on their "Mickey" ears. We have been enjoying the Christmas Season by listening to Christmas music (which Mike is sick of), going to see the Nativity at the Temple, reading a Christmas story every night (which I love, it reminds us of what Christmas is all about... or should be.) and of course making and eating lots of yummy treats. I really LOVE this time of year, even though it can get a little stressful trying to get everything done. Ammon is at an age where it is going to be sooooooooo fun Christmas morning... I can't wait. I feel like when I was a kid and couldn't wait until Christmas... now it's that same feeling just a little different because I can't wait to see my children's faces! I just love being a Mom to these two boys, they are always into something but I would be bored out of my mind without them (my house would definitely be cleaner though). This time of year makes me realize how blessed I am, and I am so grateful for everything, especially my family. I hope you all are having a Wonderful Christmas Season!


This year at our ward Christmas Party Santa came... Ammon was thrilled!
Carter got all tangled up in Santa's beard... which was hilarious!
Overall they both weren't scared and had a fun time!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Clenece Here's The Update You Requested...

This is Carter trying to climb up the ladder with a Santa hat... too cute!

Carter sneaking off while we were trying to put up the Christmas Lights... he's always getting into trouble these days! :)

Our boys trying to help Dad.

This has been quite a while ago... but this is my little bro Keato with my boys. My boys think he is a SUPER STAR, even though it was only High School Football. We totally enjoyed going and watching him play- we're sad it was his Senior year and it's over. He is such a fun uncle! I can call him anytime and ask him to babysit and he is always excited and says YES! Quick little story... Yesterday I was at the Mall with my mom and sis and Keaton was watching Ammon. Well like 5 min. after we leave Ammon goes poop. Keaton calls and asks if he can wipe himself because there was no way he was going to do it. We laughed, Ammon ended up saying "It's alright Keato, I can wipe myself!" He's such a good sport to sit and watch movies with Ammon and let him hang-out with him and his friends downstairs. We love Uncle Keato!!!! He's just a HUGE teddy bear!
Well not much has been going on lately, I think this sums it up... minus the flu bug we had for a couple weeks...