Thursday, October 7, 2010
It's been a long time...
Okay, so I know I haven't posted anything in over 3 months. I have a good excuse. Anyways, I still don't have time to post because we are moving back home in 3 weeks!!!! That's right, our time in California is OVER. I am very happy about this. So back to Pine Valley Townhomes on October 30th. Mike will be rotating until July 30 in St. George, then he will be DONE. Anyways, just a quick update. Can't wait to see you all soon!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
6 months
@ 6 months...
I babble constantly.
I love to sit up and play with my brothers toys.
I pull the funniest faces. (see below)
I am getting all over the place and FAST. I fell off the bed today. (Mom feels horrible!)
I love lots of attention. I will smile at anyone, just DON'T take me out of my moms arms.
I am a mommas girl, and momma loves it.
I really don't sleep very well anymore, unless I'm in mom and dads bed.
I'm still exclusively nursing.
I weigh 15.6 lbs.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
five years old
I can't believe you are already 5 years old. The night of your birthday I laid awake in bed and recalled what was going on 5 years ago. You would have been about an hour old, and I could remember everything that I was thinking and feeling. I had NO idea what my life was going to be like as a mommy. I had NO idea how much I could possibly love you. I had NO idea how much someone so small could teach me. How grateful I am to have such an awesome son, who is more then willing to help me all the time. You are the best big brother! I'm so glad I can call you MINE!!!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fun @ the park. We took a picnic, it was hot but alot of fun.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Peyton @ 5 months {May 28, 2010}
My mom is having A LOT of fun dressing me up...
More smiles... I'm a happy girl!
I like the Johnny Jump up... this picture makes my mom laugh... I look like I have no arms...
I have eaten rice cereal a few times... I LOVE it...
{enlarge and check out my drool}
let me see that train...
We love this girl, she is so much fun! She has the best personality, she makes us all smile everyday!!! She is such a good baby. Her little heart just breaks when I leave her in a room, and then she will just sob. It is really sad. So she is definitely going through separation anxiety. She is also a major mommas girl, which I really don't mind. She is also still exclusively nursing. She loves it and so do I. She has gone to Disneyland 4 times this past month and enjoys everything about it. She is the best baby there! She just owes and awes and everything there is to look at.
We love you little Peytie Lady!!!
{oh... and according to our home scale I weigh 14.4 lbs.}
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Not enough time in the day...
Do I...
Exercise or clean the kitchen???
Make dinner or take the kids to the park???
Blog or take a shower???
I feel like my life is full of questions like this right now. I'm sure it always will be to an extent. Some days I feel like I have the three kids thing down and then other days... not so much! Either way 99.9% of my day is dedicated to my kids and taking care of their needs, and it's okay! One day I will have plenty of time to do what I want...
Anyone have any good multi-tasking tips???
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
No denying it...

The way my baby stares at this picture... for 10 minutes strait...
and smiles when I say, "Is that Jesus".
The feeling I get when she does this is indescribable.
Jesus Christ suffered for all of us,
He is Real.
I know my 4 month old baby Knows him... personally.
She doesn't even look at me like that.
I love it.
How grateful I am that Jesus Christ trusted me enough to send her and her brothers to me. He loves these little children so much... I can see it in her eyes. What a miracle... How humbled I am...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Peytie Bug is 4 months {4/28/10}
I have rolled over. I don't do it often though.
I smile all day.
I giggle lots now. I used to be pretty stingy but I now love to laugh at my brothers.
I'm a major mommas girl, what do you expect though.
I drool like CRAZY. I soak through my bibs, and then through my clothes.
I sleep through the night, most of the time {now that my mom put me in my crib}.
I am very content. If I cry something is wrong or needed.
I am a pro at nursing, and I love it.
I love to help mom make dinner {in the baby bjorn} I smile the whole time. But I'm content if she doesn't carry me, she just feels guilty and sad to see me sitting there.
I love to be talked to, and I usually talk back.
I love bath time and I splash mom every night.
I love "tummy time".
I like to swat at my hanging toys.
I even grab them and make noise.
I just started wearing size 3 diapers, mom is sick of cleaning my "poopy clothes" from all my blowouts.
The size 3 diapers seem HUGE on me, but they do contain my poop.
I weigh 13.6 lbs.
I am so very loved by my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and I have been to Disneyland 3 times... I'm going again tomorrow!
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