Wednesday, June 23, 2010

five years old

The night before his birthday, Ammon started throwing up. It made me so sad. He had been looking forward to this day for months. He had been counting down from like day 11. I was heartbroken that I had to cancel his party. As he was throwing up he said, "I can't be sick, tomorrow is my birthday"!
Luckily, he felt well enough to enjoy the day with his family. He loved all of his presents. He got Leapster 2 from Papa and Grandma, a Thomas and Friends game for the Leapster, and Jessie (from us). Then later he picked out a Wall-E Leapster game and a new Thomas Knapford Station with money from Grandma Watts. He got spoiled!

Good thing Carters birthday is really soon. He needs a Leapster 2, too! It is so funny to watch them, Carter literally sits on Ammon's lap so he can see the screen. Ammon gets so irritated.

Check out the kissy lips... oh and Woody and Jessie. I could hear the kissing in the kitchen and I had to see what was going on. Carter you crack me up!
Check out that cupcake. Ammon decorated it all by himself, actually all of them. He did a great job!

Happy Birthday Bud! We sure love you!
I can't believe you are already 5 years old. The night of your birthday I laid awake in bed and recalled what was going on 5 years ago. You would have been about an hour old, and I could remember everything that I was thinking and feeling. I had NO idea what my life was going to be like as a mommy. I had NO idea how much I could possibly love you. I had NO idea how much someone so small could teach me. How grateful I am to have such an awesome son, who is more then willing to help me all the time. You are the best big brother! I'm so glad I can call you MINE!!!!


The Schmutz Family said...

Oh I love those kissy lips. It made me smile. Happy Birthday Ammon, he looks just like his Dad.

Clenece said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ammon!! I am so SO SO SO SO SORRY he got sick and had to cancel is party. What a bummer!!

My kids LOVED their leapster2 as well...Kaden did the same thing as carter...watched over Mckenna as she played. Kaden had to get one too. lol!

kwBALE family said...

Ok so I LOVE Carters face in the picture on the couch haha it's like "where are my presents!" haha I love it! And I love the kissing picture too! It looks like Ammon had a good birthday even without a party! He sounded so sad when we talked to him that day :( I'm excited for their party though we've been buying them gifts here and there so I think they'll be excited! And hey.. Get some bike riding pictures on here since that one didn't come through on the phone

Grace said...

Happy Birthday Ammon!! I'm glad he was able to feel well in enough to enjoy it. Love the kissing picture! So funny.