Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not enough time in the day...

Do I...
Exercise or clean the kitchen???
Make dinner or take the kids to the park???
Blog or take a shower???
I feel like my life is full of questions like this right now. I'm sure it always will be to an extent. Some days I feel like I have the three kids thing down and then other days... not so much! Either way 99.9% of my day is dedicated to my kids and taking care of their needs, and it's okay! One day I will have plenty of time to do what I want...
Anyone have any good multi-tasking tips???


kwBALE family said...

you had a great idea when we were down there.. "every family should have TWO wives, haha (and husbands of course!) haha and I will help you with your problem.. 1st problem is excercise or clean the kitchen.. how about EXCERCISE WHILE YOU CLEAN THE KITCHEN.. get some like ankle weights and arm weights then clean.. it will work your muscles out.. ok.. solved that one.. next problem make dinner or take kids to the park.. how about START dinner.. put it in the oven and then go to the park for as long as its going to take to bake.. oh man.. I am good.. I just solved that problem too :) haha, now last one blog or shower.. HELLO ERIN.. this one is EASY! you should already know by now.. I like to be clean and love my showers.. but even me, Wendy freakin Bale.. I say BLOG! blog blog blog! I have missed your blogging lately.. I am having with drawls! :) Or.. just had another idea.. since you have MONTHS to catch us up on.. you can upload like 50 pictures.. SHOWER and by the time you are done. ta-da the pictures are already uploaded. Gosh Erin.. what would you do without having such a smart sister in law as me! I'll tell what you would be doing.. you would be smelly (from no showers) your blog would be bare, there would be no dinner for anyone, a dirty kitchen, a big ole booty :) and kids who are dying to go to the park, but I solved ALL your problems in just a matter of minutes.. YOU ARE SOO WELCOME! :)

Nunazuna said...

Baby carrier and a crockpot!