Monday, September 28, 2009
Really... what is going on???
I know I have complained about being soooooooo tired before, but this time I'm wondering if any of you have also had this so far into your pregnancy. I honestly can't believe that it took me 10 minutes to get up enough energy to get out of my car and get my kids in the house this afternoon. I'm really wondering if this is normal or if something is wrong with me. I am also soooooooo emotional (that may be an understatement)... I really just called my husband crying because I didn't know what to make for dinner and the kids are hungry. Then the food-aversion thing is back. I will be 27 weeks pregnant this Friday, I should be feeling good. Have any of you experienced this? This is all so new and weird to me (I wasn't like this with the boys). I'm wondering if I need to call my Dr?!?!?!?!!?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
99 days...
I just noticed this morning that I have 99 days (almost 26 weeks) on my baby counter left... lots of mixed feelings. For one, I can't wait to hold, cuddle and dress this precious little GIRL. Second, I'm scared to death about the time of year she will be born. With all the weird flu's and colds(H1N1, exceptionally strong and early normal flu, then RSV, etc.) that come along with having a December/ January baby. I have only had summer babies, so this is freaking me out. Then all of the sad and scary things that have happened lately with babies that I know. I don't know... we may just stay home for 3 months strait and enjoy our new baby. I have definitely been feeling "pregnant" lately. Moving much slower, eating lots more, and still extremely TIRED. I'm wondering if I will ever get the energy to do the "nesting" that I usually do. I was never this exhausted with the boys, but I did get sick with them so I guess this is the trade-off. Overall, we can't wait (especially Ammon). Yesterday the baby kicked both Ammon and Carters head and they felt it. They were laughing so hard and kept trying to get her to kick again... I love it. We can't wait...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Yo-Ho, Yo-Ho a Pirates Life for Carter!
Carter saying "Captain Jack Sparrow". He is obsessed to say the least. This kid wakes up in the middle of the night singing yo-ho, yo-ho a pirates life for me. Seems cute, but not so much at 3:00 am. He is at such a (hard) fun age. We sure enjoy his funny personality. Here are some funny things he's done lately.
*He threw the ball to the picture of Jesus and said, "Jesus, catch".
* Aunt Jaci gave him a new nickname, Carter-sauce! He loves it and calls himself it all the time.
* A couple nights ago Ammon and Carter got in trouble for pouring baby powder in all of our shoes in the closet. Dad gave them hard spankings because mom had had it. Later Carter said "That's mean to me, Ammon did it." He just kept saying it. We ended up laughing so hard because he was so cute. And, Ammon had to clean it up all by himself. We felt bad that Carter got punished for something he didn't do.
* Everything ends in "All day long" now. He wants to eat it, all day long. He wants to wear his Angels baseball shirts, all day long", the list goes on. He is so fun, we sure LOVE this little Carter-sauce! He really is pretty "saucy".
*He threw the ball to the picture of Jesus and said, "Jesus, catch".
* Aunt Jaci gave him a new nickname, Carter-sauce! He loves it and calls himself it all the time.
* A couple nights ago Ammon and Carter got in trouble for pouring baby powder in all of our shoes in the closet. Dad gave them hard spankings because mom had had it. Later Carter said "That's mean to me, Ammon did it." He just kept saying it. We ended up laughing so hard because he was so cute. And, Ammon had to clean it up all by himself. We felt bad that Carter got punished for something he didn't do.
* Everything ends in "All day long" now. He wants to eat it, all day long. He wants to wear his Angels baseball shirts, all day long", the list goes on. He is so fun, we sure LOVE this little Carter-sauce! He really is pretty "saucy".
So Smart!!!
Ammon is learning sooooooo much in his new preschool. I think his preschool in St. George was just a social hour. Anyways, here they teach the sounds instead of the letter. It's totally effective with Ammon, he is catching on so quickly. I just had to show you (especially grandma) how good he can write his name. This is on his "mmm" homework. Good job Bud!
Disneyland Pictures...

I know I look goofy, I usually do.
After a long, super fun weekend, we were all totally exhausted. Sunday after our family had left (sniff, sniff) we all took a long nap- except for Mike. And, those of you who know Ammon know that doesn't happen very often.
We sure missed Daddy and can't wait for the day that he will be able to do "fun stuff" with us again!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fun weekend at Disneyland with FAMILY...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Traveling ANTS...
Frustrated. Last week in Ammon & Carters room on the top bunk?!?!? (Did I mention their room is upstairs.) Next day in the guest bedroom and garage. Yesterday kitchen. Today... coming out of the top of my mirror in the master bath. These ants are NOT very smart. They are not getting into food (which is good for me) but what the HECK do they want? Frustrated. I HATE ANTS. I'm off to buy some more ant bait, I've used all that I had and all the spray that I had. F.Y.I. The spray doesn't work very well, it only kills on contact and then they just keep appearing. But the bait is WONDERFUL!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Our after church excursion...
Newport Beach Temple & Newport Beach Island
Check out this small house on Newport Beach Island, the smart car is almost as wide as the house.
How cool would this be...
Finally a happy face!
Carter too!

We were trying to take a picture of Mike and I and Ammon really wanted to be in it.
Fun with Daddy!
Our little family picture. Taken by Daddy. (Carter would not let us take out his binky... he usually doesn't have it all day and we never take it anywhere with us, but he had just got woke up from a 20 minute nap.)

Look! It's the angel.

Sooooooo grouchy!

Ammon found a stick!

The grounds were so BEAUTIFUL!

What kind of plant is this???
This is over the front door.

We had so much fun! The Temple was beautiful and it was awesome to spend some time with Mike. This Temple is actually pink like a salmon color. I think it's because Newport City has codes and a big WHITE BUILDING doesn't fit into that code. So that was very different but it was still beautiful. You can check out the info here We drove around after seeing the Temple I was soooooooooo claustrophobic... everything is soooooooooooo tight. I can not see how anyone would ever be able to move in or out of a house there. CRAZINESS!
Sooooooo grouchy!
The grounds were so BEAUTIFUL!
What kind of plant is this???
Friday, September 4, 2009
Baby Peyton
He really is so excited to have a little sister. I have no idea if she'll be here on Christmas Eve, but that would be great if she were already home on Christmas Eve. He has big plans to hold her and turn on our fireplace. I think it sounds like an awesome way to spend our first Christmas Eve without family parties and family all around us.
and... Carter's Big Boy Bed
What an EVENTFUL day!
Ammons First Day of Preschool... So to start off with Ammons first day of "Patchwork Preschool". He LOVED every minute of it and couldn't wait for me to leave him there. Carter and I went with him for the first hour and a half, they had a water party while the parents had a meeting. They even let Carter go to the water party, so that was nice since he had been acting like he was a little jealous. The lady who has the preschool is LDS and lives in Chino Hills which is really close to us. They are very nice and I feel comfortable with Ammon going there. Originally I didn't think I would send him to preschool here because it's so expensive. But this school is reasonable, still a lot of $$$ that we don't have, but I think it's important for him. So we will sacrifice a little more to make it work. I always get a little emotional when things like this happen and yesterday wasn't any different. It felt really weird leaving him here, in California, by himself. I really haven't been away from him at all for a couple months. But he is really excited to go to school again, so I guess that means he's happy there. When I picked him up he gave me a big hug and said " Mom, I love you. Thanks for taking me to school." How sweet is that!
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