Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our cute little girls profile...

Yesterday I had another ultrasound. The ultrasound I had last month we never saw her face or kidneys because my placenta was right in the way, like dead center of my belly in the front. Anyways, I had another ultrasound and it was so fun to see her again. This time she seemed much bigger. It worked out perfect because the night before I fell down the stairs and I was quite worried about her. I felt her move after it all happened so I knew she was still alive. (My grandma lost a (full-term) baby from falling down the stairs coming out of her Dr's apt.) But anyways everything looked good and she is kicking lots, actually right NOW. I LOVE THIS STAGE!

These naughty little boys... They think it's sooooooooooo fun to throw toys down the stairs. I made them pick them all up in 5 minutes (I set a timer) or else they were going in the garbage. That ALWAYS seems to work with them. They have been running around like crazy little boys all day.

Living on LOVE and LOANS

This really is an adjustment. I think it's good for us to have to be soooo careful with what we spend our "borrowed" money on. We've always been frugal because we've never had much money anyways since Mike's always been in school. Anyways, today I dyed my own hair and gave myself a little trim. I never thought I would do this but because of our situation I did it and it actually turned out fine. I was impressed with myself. I bought the cheapest dye at Walmart for $2.97 and it worked. To my surprise! I really don't mind being dirt poor, it's kind of fun trying new recipes since we don't go out to dinner anymore. Anyways we're off to a Ward BBQ and softball game...

Friday, August 28, 2009

This is soooooo Ammon...

This is nothing new, I just decided to take a picture and document it. Ammon is and has always been the kid who ties EVERYTHING up (luckily not Carter, or at least not yet). Carter just informed me that "the horsey stuck". So I went to see what he was talking about and sure enough I knew Ammon had gotten a hold of it. Really this kid is very inventive, I'm sure he had a reason why he did this. Maybe he thought his horse would run away, or maybe he just wanted to drive me crazy?!?!?!? Either way I'm glad he's the way he is. I love this boy!
Now Carter, I think he's 2 sums him up. Yep it definitely does. But... he is also very FUNNY he loves to make us laugh and will do almost anything. I was just changing his diaper and I didn't put any powder on him. He then said, "powder in my diaper"? Well I guess that extra step didn't go unnoticed. It's about time... haha!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

We have actually done some fun stuff without Daddy!

Carter was trying to dress himself in the ugliest shirt ever, so I wouldn't help him and he got stuck. Ammon and I were laughing soooooooo hard.
Sneak peak of Halloween... Ammon as Iron Man.

And Carter is Spider Man. I don't know if you can see it but I can tell by his eyes that he is smiling huge.

A neighbor from around the corner invited us to go to the Chino Wet Lands. It was a fun little hike and my boys loved it. Then we went to Panera Bread for lunch. It was a really fun day. YEAH FOR FRIENDS!!!!

All of the kids minus the newborn baby in the stroller oh and Collin, Carter's little buddy.

VISITORS... and they aren't family!

Our good friends Josh and Jen came to visit us a couple weekends ago. We had so much fun. My kids totally enjoyed their friends. We hope to see them again soon. All tuckered out after a long, fun day.
One full house...

I got a taste of what it will be like to have a baby. It will be FUN...

They loved holding Anna. She is adorable... and was a really good sport since everyone wanted her.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sometimes I just want to lock myself

in my room and hide from my kids... SERIOUSLY! This week has been so challenging. I think I just need to vent before I take it out on someone I love. So, we are in the AWESOME 2 year old stage. He thinks he doesn't need to nap anymore, but yesterday by 5 he was full out screaming at the top of his lungs in the grocery store. I hurried and got the items I needed for dinner and LEFT, QUICK. I wanted to throw him in his car seat and yell at the top of my lungs... but I didn't. I honestly know I need a break, but I have no one to watch my kids. Then my other child has been on one as well. Neither of these little stinkers think they have to listen to me anymore. I don't understand. Do any of you have any advice for me, I'm to the end of my rope. AND... I can't believe I'm adding another one to the mix soon. Seriously... I'm SCARED.

Friday, August 14, 2009

20 weeks...

Time is flying. I really can't believe I'm 20 weeks today. Our little baby girl is kicking like crazy. Today Mike and Ammon felt her kick for the first time. I LOVE IT. I can't get enough of feeling my little babies kick me, even when it starts hurting I still love it. It's a peaceful feeling just knowing they are fine. So far I have thrown up twice. The first time I really don't think it had anything to do with being pregnant, I had a migraine. The second time was just 2 days ago (WHAT???) anyways, I was so mad that I threw up for the first time (that I considered because of being pregnant) when I was almost 20 weeks. It was totally my fault. I ate an orange and nothing else at 5:30 AM. Then it came up about an hour later. This pregnancy has been so easy. I'm not trying to brag, I'm just really thankful. We've had a lot going on and I didn't have time to be sick. Most days I don't even feel pregnant. I've gained 3 or 4 lbs... by now I've usually gained at least 10. I don't have to eat all the time. In fact, I can wake up and wait a few hours before I eat breakfast (not normal from my other pregnancies). I really love being pregnant...especially with a GIRL... Did any of you get leg cramps in the middle of the night? I always have and am getting them now... so weird!

It's a long one...

The Convocation and White Coat Ceremony were last Saturday. It was a really neat program. I was so proud that Mike got accepted to such a good school. This school will give him an excellent education. He is loving it so far, it's really hard and challenging but he loves everything that he is learning. I have already had to be his guinea pig. He practiced taking my blood pressure for so long the other night I feel asleep, then woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing arm. TOo funny. I really don't mind this at all, at least I get to be with him. Last night he checked out my ears, I'm so excited that he will be able to tell me if our kids have ear infections. I'm not so excited for when he practices the pelvic exam on me though. I don't know, it's just kind of weird. Mike and his Mom
My parents and Mike and his mom.

Us... I sure love him. More and more each day. We just celebrated our 6 year Anniversary on 8-2. We went to the Temple in SG and did sealings on 8-1 since 8-2 was a Sunday. It was so fun. I love you!!!

My parents
The whole Allied Health Professions Class. It's not just P.A.'s it includes P.T.'s and one other, I can't remember. Mikes class is very large though, 98 students. Western University has the most graduate programs of any other U.S. University. I think there are 9. The passing rate for the P.A. Program here is 95%, which is really high.

We were in St. George for a week a couple weeks ago. We decided we needed to visit before Mike started school. Since we won't be back until Thanksgiving. We had lots of fun. I barely got any pictures with my family. Sorry guys. Here is Ammon and my sister Kaitlyn jumping on my brother and his wife's tramp.

We went swimming at Aunt Jaci's parents pool. It was a blast and it has the most beautiful scenery around it. I wish I would have remembered to bring my suit.

My cute little niece, Eliza

(it's fuzzy) Carter doing "To infinity and de-bond (beyond)". I swear that gave him extra courage.

Ammon jumping off the diving board. He sure loved that.

Go Mason!

Carter walking by Grandma Watts' garden in his PJ's. It's a huge garden.

Stop taking my picture, MOM!

Carter is so funny.
Nice hat, dude.

Yep, he's the one who started it.
Do you think this Lion (size 24 months) Halloween costume is too small??? It's really suppose to completely cover his hands and feet.
*** Things are looking up. We are getting into a routine and we have meet some friends. I'm gonna survive this. Today Carter decided he doesn't want to wear diapers anymore, so he will be wearing underwear today. I don't know if I want to start this. Maybe he will be easy or easier then Ammon. I will update soon. Wish me LUCK...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The start of the end!

Today is the day. The day that I have been dreading. The day that we have been looking forward to. The reason we moved here. Yep, Mike starts school today. The only reason I have been dreading this day is because I know what I'm in for. No husband for TWO YEARS, and no friends here to help me stay sane. He will be very busy. I really have enjoyed having him around this past month, we have had lots of fun. My boys are going to have a real SHOCK when they wake up and Dad isn't around to play. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO???

*****UPDATE******* Day 1 went pretty well. Considering I only got lost for an hour and a half (it could of been worse, right?). My kids were very understanding that Daddy was at school (even though Carter insisted he was at work and Ammon knew he was at school, so they fought over that for a good 5 min.). But, they were so excited when he came home. Mike was TOTALLY overwhelmed. But that was expected. I love how Clenece put it "It's like trying to drink from a fire hose". Yes... we are so excited- ha ha. Anyways, I'm going to try to be really postitve and make the best of it. We will get through this and it will be worth it.


dresses, headbands, bracelets... I can't wait for my little GIRL to arrive. I could barely believe the Doctor during the ultrasound when he said "SHE". YIPEE!!! (Sorry, I have known for a week and a couple days. I was in SG with family and didn't find time to update.)