Thursday, October 2, 2008

My poor Ammon boy...

Why is this kid so dang accident prone??? I swear he gets hurt sooooooooo much, but this is really gross. Good thing my mom came and Dr'd him up, I can barely handle to look at it. It makes me (honestly) sick to my stomach to see blood. I think he is here to cure me of this...

He was riding his friends bike last night and fell off (like for the 20th time) and it just tore off like 3/4 of his toe nail. It was bleeding so much until this morning. I feel so bad for him, he can barely walk today. I hope it heals fast and that the lifted toe nail will easily come off (by itself!!!!). Oh and by the way, I have ANOTHER ear infection... WHAT THE HECK???

He was pretty happy that he got some more water colors out of the whole thing... He's our little artist... Mike calls him "Ammon-angelo", I think it's pretty clever!


Dave and Natasha said...

Oh my gosh! Poor kid! That looks pretty bad!

Mindie said...

Ouch! That is no good at all. I'm so soory. What's up with your ear? You had one last time I saw you. I feel your pain, they are the worst!

The Colvins said...

oh, poor little guy! Yes, it stinks to see you kids get hurt!

Deedra said...

You need to warn us before you put a picture up like that! I'm not a fan of blood either - my stomach is churning just looking at that picture! Poor boy! I hope he gets feeling better soon!

Honey Family Blog said...

How sad! I know what you mean by accident prone kids, Ellie is the same way and it makes me crazy. I sometimes wonder if people think I abuse her because of all the bumps, bruises, and blood!!! I hope his toe feels better fast!

Jamey said...

It looks like me and Ammon are doing the same thing...laying on the couch with our legs up. I hope we both feel better fast. Poor kid!

kwBALE family said...

My poor little buddy. I hope he is feeling better. I think the whole family should do some brain storming to figure out how to make Ammon not so accident prone.

Clenece said...

OUCH DUDE!! Poor guy...and poor you to have to see that...I know you can NOT handle blood! Sorry! =(

brandee williams said...

Another ear infection? I would just have it removed if I were you:)

Anonymous said...

That picture is just morbid. Poor kid! I guess that's what boys brothers always had a wound of some sort. I am sure you will get better at dealing with it over time. Thank goodness for moms huh?

Erin said...

Just a little update, if you even care. I went to the Dr and the reason I keep getting ear infections is because I have allergies. It's wierd because I'm not stuffy or anything. The Dr. explained it like that I have a negative pressure in my head and it is pulling my ear drums in, therefore causing lots of pain. I got Zyrtec and a nose spray and I feel better! I'm sooooooooo happy that we figured it out, I was one grumpy mom.

The Schmutz Family said...

Ohhh.... That is a bad one. You're right, Ammon does like to get hurt. He looks like a stud on the couch being taken care of.