Carter really should have been in a big boy seat a couple of months ago, but I just didn't want to do it. I am a germ freak and I can't stand the thought of him sitting in the grocery cart, plus that is where
Ammon sits. This is
definitely going to complicate grocery shopping or just when he falls asleep in his car seat. I'm afraid if
Ammon can't sit where he always has, he's going to start acting up... Any advice, anyone???
I wish I had some good advice, but I don't! I just remember the same thing when Kaden finally had to sit in the seat and McKenna either sat in the cart or I let her walk...I still hate it. I wish Walmart had carts like Costco. That would be nice!
im with you on that on erin im dealing with the same thing right now either both of my boys will want to sit up in the front of the cart or one will want to walk which is trey then he usually ends up running away ...so yeah grocery shopping in our family isn't too fun!
My only thought is that if Ammon does have to walk and he is always running away like Andrea said, get one of those backpack things that you can keep them next to you! We have one, but I need to fix it because our dog chewed the strap in half, so I need to sew it back together, otherwise I would probably use it a lot!
Gavin hates sitting in the cart. He usually walks along side me and soes a good hob believe it or not. It does make grocery shopping a little longer. I guess this is just how it will be for a long time. Good Luck. Oh ya, bribery doesnt hurt either.
Well you put one in the front of the cart, one in the back of the cart, while the other two run wild, and you pretend they aren't yours as they are racing down the isles or screaming because they didn't get the cereal they wanted. Wow can you tell I went to Walmart today:) Good Luck! It only gets worse:)
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