On another note, I have to tell about my morning... Holy crap it was bad! I woke up and thought oh no, it's the last day of the month- I have to go to WIC. So I pack up the kids and we get there at 9:00, the place is packed. Duh... I should have gone earlier in the month but never got around to it. Well we are waiting and I hear Carter rumbling (yes, he majorly went to the bathroom). I look in my bag and NO wipes... so I thought I will just wait to change him, hopefully this doesn't take too long. Next thing I know it's leaking out onto his shorts. So I go and tell them I have to go and change my baby's diaper and for some reason the lady was soooooooo nice and asked me if I needed anything. So I asked for wipes, she had some. I though ok I can just wipe it out of his shorts, it was just a little bit. We get to the bathroom and it is clear up to the back of his shoulders. All over in his onesis and I have NO extra clothes. So I get him naked and get him all cleaned up, having no idea what to put him in. So I rinse out his polo shirt in the back where the poop was, luckily the onesis got most of it. And tried to dry it with like a million paper towels. Wipe out his shorts and put on his cold, wet shirt and head back in. Like 10 minutes later, here comes round 2 (REMEMBER HOW MANY ANTIBIOTICS HE'S BEEN ON FOR HIS EARS)! Look in my bag and not a single diaper or wipes now. How could I be soooooooooooooooooooooo UNPREPARED! So I asked them if I could go home and change my baby and then come back, they said I could but I would have to wait ALL over again. We had already been waiting for 1 1/2 hours, so I DIDN'T want to do that. I tell them my situation and a lady gave me a diaper. Needless to say I was TOTALLY humiliated. I was not prepared at all for this day. So I have learned a lesson, ALWAYS have diapers and wipes and an extra outfit when leaving the house. Sounds like common sense to me- What is wrong with me???