Thursday, February 18, 2010

I {LOVE} these kiddo's!

Major Chubbster...She has been going through a big growth spurt the last week or so and now you can see it in her checks. She still fits in newborn clothes, but they are definitely getting tight. {I love this blanket that my aunt Beth gave her, so cute. She made it while on her mission in NY.} She has been making lots of mouth bubbles lately. Too cute. Notice her hair starting to grow in again on top... yeah for hair! She has longer eyelashes then hair, haha. She has also been scratching her face, oh and baby acne the last week. What a week, but I still think she's the cutest thing ever. I can't get enough of her. She has been only getting up once during the night, at 4am. {She goes to sleep at 8pm, gets up at 4am, and again at 7am.} How did I get so lucky with her??? Preschool Valentine's Party...

The weather has been AWESOME! In the 80's... Hello Spring!!!

{I thought her outfit was perfect for Heart Day}
Valentines was so fun. We made cupcakes that Carter ate the top off of everyone. He sure loves frosting! We actually got to spend lots of time with Daddy. Friday after school he met us at Costco. Then he couldn't wait to give me my Valentines gift (that he had bought on the way home from Costco). He got me a body pillow and a ped egg. I was sooooo excited for the peg egg, Have you tried one yet? Amazing results!!!


Sydney Bale said...

SO cute Erin! You really did get lucky! Your kids are ALL way cute!!

Kim said...

She is still in newborn clothes??? I always wanted a tiny (but healthy) baby ;) My girls get big and fat until about 5 months.

Jess said...

Ped egg? Love it!!! Cute pictures....but Peyton doesn't look that chubby to me!

kwBALE family said...

I agree with Jess! Peyt looks like a normal size baby.. if you wanna see chunker, check out Maesi, or my baby pictures haha. but chubby babies are the best so FEED HER MORE, we want some chubby cheeks to kiss!!

Clenece said...

I can't believe what a good sleeper she is for you. (8 hour stretch...awesome) I am so glad you got finally got a baby that sleeps so WELL!! Good for you!
She's a doll!
p.s. We miss you guys! I can't wait to see each of you!

Clenece said...

oh and yes...I WANT YOUR WEATHER!!! I am super jealous!

Watts Family said...

Erin all I can say is EYE LASHES!!!
Love you guys!