Thursday, February 25, 2010

I really have NOTHING to complain about...

I have a husband who loves me and helps me as much as he can,
who is working his tush off to be able to provide for us.
Two adorable little boys,
who love me and try to help me.
One little baby girl that just melts my heart,
and is healthy.
But I want to be DONE with school already.........
I am dying for a Saturday to play with Dad.
A day we can go shopping, or out to lunch.
A day I don't hear "homework" or "study".
A weekend trip,
a cruise,
or just a day to hang-out in our PJ's and enjoy Daddy.
That day couldn't come any sooner, could it???
19 weeks and 1 day left of "book work".
and 1 year of rotations. (maybe a little less)
Can you tell I'm counting down...
I am grateful for Mike's hard work and dedication to being able to provide for us in the future.
{I know he doesn't hear that enough.}
When we are done with this, I feel like I should have a degree in something just because I've been along for the ride. I know it's totally his accomplishment, but I feel like I've accomplished something too. I am stronger for it. The trials we've had here have made us rely on each other so much more... It's all that we have here. Although I can't wait to be able to drop my kids off with Grandma, we have learned a lot. I don't want to forget how hard this has been, but how rewarding at the same time. We have been able to spend quality time with family who have come to visit. Time we wouldn't usually get living so close.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

too cute to forget...

Last night Peyton was fussy, Mike had a big test to study for, and the boys needed to get to sleep. So we went in their room and we got on their PJ's, and they got into bed. I read one really short story as Peyton was fussing through the whole book. I told them that I would go and feed Peyton and get her to sleep and then I would be back in to read another story (since they both usually get to pick one). As I was in my room getting Peyton to sleep I could hear Ammon saying "Carter, Carter", then he ran into my room and said "Mom, I got Carter to sleep by reading him The Very Hungry Caterpillar ! This is actually the second time that he has done that. I just love that Ammon is my big helper and loves to do what is right. He is the best brother and son anyone could ask for!!! He'll never know how much I appreciate his help.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary Dad & Mom

We just wanted to wish you both a Happy 29th Anniversary!!!
We sure love and miss you guys!
Here are a few things I remember from growing up that I don't want to forget...
-When Ryan would hit me, my mom would say "It's just a LOVE PAT".
-Trips to Lagoon... soooo fun.
-Traveling to Oakland to visit Grandpa & Grandma on their mission, the dancing San Diego Zoo monkeys and P.O.F.(Poop on Floor), sorry Kaitlyn! I was L.T.
-My mom was always home and waiting for me to get home from school, usually with a homemade treat. My Dad worked hard so my mom could stay home with us.
- The slinky... Keaton was a riot.
-My mom wasn't suppose to let me bring my water baby inside, but sometimes would let me sneak it into my room. Too bad the water baby would always break and get everything wet.
-When my mom went to Girls Camp and I wasn't old enough to go. I chased her down the street running and screaming, she still left me home. (They wouldn't let her bring me & she was sad.)
-Dance Recitals that my parents would record, then we would go home and watch it. Everyone would LAUGH at me so hard. For years...still do. Lets get that ONE video out next time I'm home.
-Peaking through the trailer at my Christmas Presents. I stood on the fence and looked through a tiny window in the trailer, multiple times.
-Putting part of my fake leather shoe in my great-grandma's casket, in effort to remember her. I sure remember her, so it worked! I wonder if anyone saw me???
-Playing cars with my younger brothers, and in return they would play barbies with me. "I have to go pick up my skids from school", right Keato???
-When my brothers and I were lucky enough to talk my mom into buying us a pool, we would set it up, fill it up and go around and around and around. So fun.
-My Dad always claimed that we had a dishwasher (ME), even though we didn't.
-Tanning with Jess on the tramp. Remember we would use baby oil for tanning lotion... no wonder I'm looking OLD.
-Watching my brothers play base-ball at the Washington Ball Fields... remember big daddy E.......?
-Going to Mesquite for a weekend getaway, I LOVED THAT.
-Playing canasta.
-Cooking with my mom. I have always loved making dessert, and she would let me make whatever new recipe I had got.
-Whenever something sad had happened in my life, she would take me shopping. Lets just tell Dad we spend this much. oops. {True therapy}.
-I loved being home and with my parents. I had a hard time even sleeping over at friends houses and for years wouldn't even try. I needed my mom. In my teenage years, they couldn't keep me home.
-Every time my best friend Jessica Jones would sleep over she would throw up. Once on our brand new recliner! (Kaitlyn has a friend that does that now... weird).
-We used to cut the grass outside under the tramp (because it was LONG) with scissors and pretend that it was some body's hair.
-We had a three wheeler... and one time I revved it up and it pretty much bucked Kason off the back... oops!
-On sunday afternoons my mom would take us to the church and would let us practice driving in the empty parking lot. She was the coolest mom around. I was probably 12 when it started.
-Watching my dad water the garden.
*I have the most wonderful memories as a child and hope I can provide my children with as many opportunities that I had. You guys are the best parents. Love ya.

Now I love...
-That they are always there for me.
-That my mom takes me clothes shopping after I have a baby.
- Sunday dinners at their house. (When we lived in SG).
-Watching them with my kids, their only grand kids.
Hope you have a great day!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Smiles :)

She has been {purposely} smiling since she was 4 weeks old. But I haven't been able to get it on camera. The last two pictures were taken today, just barely. The top one with Mike was a few weeks ago, I don't know why I didn't put it on here earlier. I love it when she stops nursing to smile at me... this smile just melts my heart!

I {LOVE} these kiddo's!

Major Chubbster...She has been going through a big growth spurt the last week or so and now you can see it in her checks. She still fits in newborn clothes, but they are definitely getting tight. {I love this blanket that my aunt Beth gave her, so cute. She made it while on her mission in NY.} She has been making lots of mouth bubbles lately. Too cute. Notice her hair starting to grow in again on top... yeah for hair! She has longer eyelashes then hair, haha. She has also been scratching her face, oh and baby acne the last week. What a week, but I still think she's the cutest thing ever. I can't get enough of her. She has been only getting up once during the night, at 4am. {She goes to sleep at 8pm, gets up at 4am, and again at 7am.} How did I get so lucky with her??? Preschool Valentine's Party...

The weather has been AWESOME! In the 80's... Hello Spring!!!

{I thought her outfit was perfect for Heart Day}
Valentines was so fun. We made cupcakes that Carter ate the top off of everyone. He sure loves frosting! We actually got to spend lots of time with Daddy. Friday after school he met us at Costco. Then he couldn't wait to give me my Valentines gift (that he had bought on the way home from Costco). He got me a body pillow and a ped egg. I was sooooo excited for the peg egg, Have you tried one yet? Amazing results!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The many names of Peyton...

I have to get these all down before I forget. We have all came up with nicknames for Peyton, now we'll have to see which one sticks.

Carter- Peytarella... like Cinderella.
Ammon- Peytie poo comin' thru. (Whenever he's taking a dirty diaper to the trash).
Mike- Pretty Peytie lady.
Me- Peytlyn... when I get Kaitlyn and Peyton all mixed up. Which is more often then not.
Fredlyn- whenever her hair is going crazy... stems from our trip to Hawaii when Freddy(our surf instructor, which was a major surfer bum) had crazy hair. Since, anyone who's hair is outa- control is "Fred Head"... but for Peyton it's Fredlyn.

I think that's all of them. I may have forgotten one...
Yep I did... Pey Pey... poor girl isn't going to know what to answer to.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goodbye January...

Hello February!!! I {Heart} February. Really after a long, cold (it really isn't that cold here, like in the 70's- I'm not complaining), January I'm ready for something to LOVE. And I love this time of the year! I also love these cute kiddos. They are so much work, I mean FUN. Oops. No, really THREE KIDS is sometimes CRAZY, but we are all adjusting well. Well, most of us. Carter is still trying to "find his place" and most days are hard. He is just so stinkin' cute that all the tantrums and "being naughty" are overlooked once he's gone to bed. So the last week or so we have been trying lots of new things to make our day go smoother. One being "quiet time". So far it is FABULOUS. Really. I don't know why I haven't been doing this for years. The boys are only 2 star stickers away from being able to go to the Youth Museum. They love it there and we will be celebrating their good behavior soon. Here are few pictures of the kids this morning while we were all still in our jammies.
{Cute dimples}

Mr. Rough & Tough is so sweet with his sister.

Tummy Time and... of course Peyton is tasting the bobby pillow. She's gotta taste the world!

Carter is such a good helper when he wants to be. Here he is cleaning the floor. His newest cute thing that he tells me is, "Good job Mom, your such a big helper". I sure LOVE this boy even though he definitely gives me a run for my money!