Thursday, January 29, 2009

These two boys are just that... all boys! They already "rough- house" and since no holes have been punched through any walls yet- I think it's funny! I love that Carter is on top of Ammon and even pinching his nose. They have a lot of fun together, and I'm so glad that where ever we have to move for Mike to go to school they will always have their best friend with them. What a blessing that is to me to know they will always have a friend to play with... I love these boys!!!!!!


Clenece said...

LOL. That makes me smile. LOL!

kwBALE family said...

hahaha, you know where that learned that... kas and keato! You might have a broken couch soon!

Jess said...

Yes, that is hilarious! I love that he is pinching Ammon's nose! Funny boys! Oh and yes, I love that new kit!! Her kits are great for making multiple pages!

Josh and Michele said...

I love it. You really need one more to get the full effect though. Funny kids.

Kim said...

You are a good mom for two boys who like to rough house! I don't know how I would handle that much craziness! But, I am sure it is the same feeling when my girls play dolls together so's just that boys play rough house so 'nicely' haha.

Dave and Natasha said...

Hey, you should call like Tuesday, and we should hangout!

Dave and Natasha said...

The photoshop stuff, I've pretty much learned it all from pioneer woman, but here's the link to the "eye pop" section, where I learned it from: (if you want to learn too...).

Karen and Mike said...

so funny! Sometimes I think boys are from another world!