Friday, September 19, 2008

Who Knew???

That ear infections could be soooooooooo PAINFUL! I honestly can't believe that little babies and children get these ALL the time. I was honestly up every 2 1/2 hours last night in so much pain. I have to take Motrin /Tylenol every 3 hours and it still doesn't take away all the pain. I have so much empathy for these little kids who have these all the time and definitely the ones who have tubes in their ears. I guess the whole purpose of this post is so that all of us mothers will realize why our babies are crying constantly when they have ear infections, I want to cry too and I'm an adult. P.S. the best thing ever is to put 2-3 drops of olive oil in the infected ear every couple of hours. If you warm it (like in a little tube under warm water for a minute or so) it feels so comforting, it's instant pain relief! I just got prescription numbing drops for ears and the olive oil feels way better then those. So give it a try next time your kids ears hurt, IT'S AMAZING! P.S.S. I use consecrated olive oil, like for blessings!


Clenece said...

The Olive Oil thing is good to know. Thanks! Sorry you're in so much pain. =( ...I sprained my ankle today for the first time ever and thought of you! =)

Nick is learning about ears and ear infections at school right now, and you should be on Augmentin 40mg per kilogram of your body weight, 2-3 times per day depending on what you am sure you are already doing that, if not, get off the Amoxicillin that your doctor probably wrote a prescription for to please your insurance company. Do you have a penicillin allergy because we could switch you to a cephalasporin?...There you have it from Nick himself.

Jess said...

Oh Man Erin!!! That sucks! It really does give you more compassion for our little ones when they get an ear infection! Good to know about the olive oil!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear that you have been sick. my mom use to always put warm drops in our ears and then put a cotton ball with vicks on it in our ear to keep the drops in them. That was the best part! Good luck

Miller said...

That sucks, I hope you start to feel better soon. Thanks for the tip about the olive oil, I didn't know about that one. Tell Mike good luck, we are excited for you guys!!!

Deedra said...

I hope you are feeling better! It is never good when mom is sick!

kwBALE family said...

Come train with us!

kwBALE family said...

we try to run at night, its cooler, and plus I wear a sweat suit, and i'm still a little embarrassed when people see me in it, haha, but i know we want to try to do morning too, at hansen stadium

The Cary Family said...

So fun catching up with your family. I've had ear infections on and off for the last 2 years!! So I know exactly how you feel. It's the worst!! Luckily my boys never get them because I'd feel so bad for them. I love that your boys are such cute friends. It's such a fun stage!! Great job on those baby pictures. They turned out great!! WOW did I miss anything else????