Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Christmas Lights???

Last night we were having Family Home Evening outside. We put out a blanket and had some ice cream cones (Ammon was in charge of the dessert) and read a story out of the Friend. Somewhere in the middle of the story Ammon looks up at the house and says "Where are our Christmas Lights"? We laughed for ever... kids say the funniest things, and I just love my little goof. Here's the page I did of FHE.


Jamey said...

At first when I saw the title, I thought that you had just scrapped a page about going to see christmas lights. But that was too funny. I love what kids say. Your pages are way cute! There is just one thing in common in a lot of them...there are not very many pictures of you! That happens to me too, I am always the one with the camera! I have to ask my husband to take a picture of me with the kids, or else I wouldn't have any.

brandee williams said...

so fun! The weather has been so nice. I guess we better enjoy it while we can:)

Clenece said...

Now you just make me sick!! You whip out those pages like there is nothing to them. You make me look like an idot! I have done one page in ahhh two weeks.... like I have said before, you are too creative, and I am jealous! Good job!

Erin said...

Jamey- I know, I think it's on purpose that I'm not in the pictures though!!! I do need more pictures of myself with the kids.

Brandee- the weather is PERFECT, in a couple of weeks it will probably be like 100 degrees!

Clenece- I REALLY don't know what you are talking about, you are ALWAYS doing the cutest crafts, I know you are creative!!!!

Clenece said...

OH pleases Erin...hehehe. I just read the post along with this CUTE page...that is so funny! Kids are so observant, sometimes there are just a little late or just at random times! Funny kid!

Kurtis and Iva said...

And yet again, I'm even more inspired. I love the page. (I think I'm going to have to copy your layout.)

Tracy S. said...

Looks like lots of fun! What a cute family.

Clenece said...

I love your new blog look! I love the colors and the header with the kids! They looks so good in their Easter outfits!

jenbulkley said...

I am bad at leaving comments, sorry. I am glad that our boys are playing so well together now!

Josh and Michele said...

Cute Blog! How did you do it? I read that site and I'm afraid that I will really screw things up cuz I don't totally get it. I'm still chicken. I love your picts though. You are good at getting good shots. I will have to tell you about Tanner some time. Sad and long story.

Josh and Michele said...

Hey Erin, I figured out how to make the background stay still. Which makes it so you don't see the overlap. Kind of confusing though. And yes I stayed up way too late last night.