Thursday, December 3, 2009

pink fuzz...

Sunday I started washing some of my baby girl stuff and what did I find in the dryer... pink fuzz! I was so excited, I've NEVER seen pink fuzz before. {only 29 more days}


Jamey said...

You are so cute! I am excited that you finally get "pink fuzz..." You are going to be a great mom to a little girl! Good luck these next few weeks!

Williams Family said...

O Erin I can't belive that u are due so soon. That will be so fun to see pic of her. I have not read a lot on your blog so sorry but do u have a neame for her? I want to send u some thing for her so u will have to give your address u can leave it on my blog or e mail me it at Glad that u are doing better and hope every thing goes good take care and talk at u later.

Clenece said...

LOL, you are so cute!

Jess said...

I LOVE how excited you were for "pink fuzz!" So cute! I can't wait to see baby Peyton!

Kim said...

That's funny. You could have this baby anyday now!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of her!

jaesi said...

haaaa! who knew dryer lint could be so exciting!
shes gonna be a cuuuutie.

Grace said...

Love it!! You are getting so close!

Deedra said...

I love pink!!! I'm glad you're getting a little girl!

kwBALE family said...

Yay for pink fuzz!!! Your little girl is going to be here so soon! Oh man, she is gonna be a DOLL!