Thursday, October 1, 2009

The BEACH...

(Yes, that is my foot with the major tan line... can you tell I wear flip-flops EVERYDAY... it's a good thing I moved to California and not somewhere COLD... I would have nothing to wear!)

Nothing like ham sandwiches at the beach when your starving!

Can't quite get the ham in his mouth... so funny!

Eeeewwwwww... this is why I cringe getting in the ocean. What is really at the bottom?!?!?!?!

It was so foggy, really quite weird!

He was a little nervous about the water getting to him.

Ammon wanted to go out on his own... YEAH RIGHT!
Kason and Wendy
Thanks guys! We had sooooo much fun. Can't wait to have another Beach Day!


Kim said...

Yea....California beaches are super gross....well all the once I've been to at least. I hate when the sea weed wraps around my legs!!!! I'm totally jealous though, that you guys have warm enough weather to go to the beach :(

Clenece said...

You are so lucky to have all the family you have had come out and visit!