Monday, February 25, 2008

I love it...

Here are some of the pages I have done lately. I know I have said it a ton in the last week but I love this digital scrapbooking, it's so easy and fast! It has been fun going through all of our pictures and remembering all the fun times (and scary times when Ammon fell in the fire). Hopefully you all don't get sick of seeing my pages, I am having too much fun doing them.


Clenece said...

Okay Erin I am coming over this week and I need you to teach me how to do this. I LOVE your pages!

matt . lori . maya . daisy . olivia said...

Your pages are so so cute!

Jess said...

SO cute! I remember when Ammon fell into the fire..that was so scary! Keep up the good work!! Your pages are awesome!!

Dave and Natasha said...

I love seeing all the pages you make! Keep up the good work! The page where Ammon fell in the fire is so sad! It's great that he will be able to look back in the scrapbook and see those things though! I love how you've captured your memories!

Kurtis and Iva said...

So, I've been doing a few pages, but yours are way cuter than mine. I think I'm goint to have to get that program from you.

Brandon & Keia Blake said...

It was so good to talk to you today!! And your boys are freaking adorable! I can't believe Ammon fell in the fire though that is awful! Burns are the worst! Well we need to get together soon! I miss ya!