Friday, February 1, 2008

Oh how I LOVE this age...

Ammon dressed himself! I went in his room to see what he was up to and found him yanking this shirt down from his closet. He already had his pants on, which if you could see them under his super long shirt, they are on backwards! So needless to say, we won't be going ANYWHERE unless he decides to change into something decent. Oh how I love my Ammon Boy!!!


Holley and Brandon said...

You have such cute boys! I can't believe how big Ammon is getting, he looks like a little man!

Jess said...

Wow! I'm impressed! Chase has to put his undies on by himself, and today they were on backwards with his little bum cheek haning out. I was totally cracking up!

*/ Jillian said...

Isnt it funny how if you dont dress them, they always seem to find the craziest clothes that you wouldnt dream of letting them wear in public. So funny. I guess our fashion sense is lame to them. hahaha