Monday, November 2, 2009

{@ 31 weeks}

Last Friday I turned 31 weeks pregnant. I really can't believe I'm that far along, but yet it feels like I've been pregnant forever. Everything is going well, pretty uneventful- which I'm thankful for. Although, I didn't pass the 1-hour glucose test so I had to do the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. I did it last Friday when my parents were here and they watched the boys for me, what a huge blessing that was. It was really actually relaxing to just sit there and read the Ensign for 3 hours. I almost read every article in the May Ensign which was all the conference talks. I loved it. I didn't love the fact that I was fighting throwing up that sugary-orange drink. It really was so nasty, way worse then the normal 1-hour drink...yuck!

Here are a few things from my Dr's appt last Friday, the day I turned 31 weeks...

* He really wants me to get the H1N1 vaccine and my boys.

* I am measuring bigger then normal, 33 weeks.

* I have gained a little under 5 lbs since I started going to Dr. Gonzalez at 20 weeks.

* I have gained 9 lbs TOTAL, I don't know how that has happened. I eat all the time.

* My babies heart beat was about 140 (it ranged from 135-144) .

*****I am so excited to have this baby... but I'm also really scared...but I can't wait to see her and make sure everything is fine... what an exciting time*****
UPDATE... I passed the 3-hour Gestational Diabetes Test. The 2nd hour draw I passed by one #, but hey- I passed right???The first and third draws I passed just fine.


The Schmutz Family said...

Lucky that you are measuring 2 weeks early and only gained 9 pounds! Score! I typically gained 9 pounds a month. :)

Grace said...

Erin, you are looking great! I think we are getting closer to getting over the virus that's been passed is the last lingering with some congestion. So maybe we can get together later this week or early next week and let the kids play.

Clenece said...

WHAT only 9lbs, lucky girl!!!!! look great! I have already gained over 30 lbs....yeah and I still have 9 weeks to go. lol! This should be great!

Jess said...

You look AWESOME! Lucky girl to only have gained 9 lbs so far!!!

jenbulkley said...

I am sad that I have missed so much

Kiley said...

You look great! I had cankles at this point, i seriously had shrek's body. looks like you had a fun halloween with your family. miss you

Deedra said...

Cute belly!!! And I'm jealous of your 9 lbs. I don't even want to remember how many I packed on with Tayson. It was pathetic.

Jamey said...

I have probably gained 9 pounds over Halloween! You look great!

Staci said...

How exciting! You will get to hold her so soon. How have you only gained 9 pounds... seriously. You are one lucky girl! Let me know the trick!

kwBALE family said...

looking good! i can't wait to see and hold her!! she is going to be a blue eyed beauty!

Josh and Michele said...

I love your pic. You are so funny. And you look great. Wow, after our girls, life was totally a good way. It just adds alot. I am so excited for you.