Monday, November 9, 2009


Well lets just say Friday I ended up in the hospital. Contractions 2-5 minutes apart. Dilated between a 1 and a 2. And I had a fever of 101. Couldn't figure out why. None of my labs explained where the infection was, except that my white blood count was high. They gave me an antibiotic through an IV, along with fluids because I was dehydrated. And also a shot of (Breathing) to stop the contractions. One nurse detected an irregular heartbeat with my baby, so now I have to go to a specialist. {I really think she didn't know how to use the machine and was getting my heartbeat along with the babies (that had already happened earlier), because I had already been monitored for 5 hours and no one else heard anything unusual. But, it's better to be safe then sorry.}

My ward found out because I wasn't at Super Saturday and they have been beyond AWESOME. They have brought in meals and offered to take the boys & do laundry or whatever. I am feeling lots better now, my fever is gone. Because of contractions and shivering my muscles ached, and that is getting better too. I'm so grateful for our ward and my husband who really helped out and did the laundry, cleaned the house (including the bathrooms), watched the kids. I now just have to take it easy, which isn't easy, I can't sit still!!!


Jamey said...

I know how hard it is to let people help you, but when I was on bedrest, I had people offer to do laundry, and clean - I told them that I was okay. But then one day, I had a girl call and tell me that she had just dropped her kids off at the babysitter, and she was coming over to help me for one hour, so to think of something she could do. Well, that girl is now my best friend. I am so glad that she didn't take my NO for an answer. So moral of the story - try to take it easy, and if people want to help, let them. They wouldn't offer if they didn't mean it. (It had happened to my friend, so she was returning the favor)

Good luck!

Kim said...

No fun having early labor signs! Hopefully you can make it a few more weeks....but to me, 32 weeks (or whatever you are) is SUPER :). That's coming from someone who starts labor signs at 22 weeks. I'm surprised though that they don't have you in the hospital....with you being dilated & all. Good luck. And yes, don't feel bad letting people help you. You have to do what is best for the baby right!

Grace said...

Oh my goodness!! Mike took the girls to the children's museum on Friday...they were sad to have missed your boys. I told him that that was weird because it sounded like you were pretty set on going...totally makes sense now. I'm glad you are doing better...take it easy though. Raquel is off of school wednesday..if you are up for it maybe we can have a play date...even if it's just me picking up your boys and taking them to the play structure by your house. I'll give you a call.

Clenece said...

WHAT!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!!!! I am sure hope everything is okay. I am so sorry you had to go through that! I am so glad to hear you have great help! Wish I was there to help too!

The Schmutz Family said...

Holy cow how scary. I'm glad you're feeling batter and you have such a good ward. It's so hard to take care of EVERYTHING when you feel crappy.

LeAnn said...

Yikes! That is pretty scary. I am glad you are feeling better. It is so hard to be sick and so worried about everything. I hope things get better for you. I am sad that we don't live closer. I would totally bring you dinner and take your boys to my house. Take care friend.

Love ya,

Laura Leavitt said...

I have my in-laws here this week..but let me help you next week.

Kurtis and Iva said...

Hang in there and just take it easy. (I know, easier said than done.) I was dialated way early too and my girls made it to 36 weeks. Just take all the help you can get!