Thursday, May 22, 2008

Potty Training and Poop...

So like 2 hours ago I took Ammon to the store and we got more underware and some "potty" treats. We get home and he goes pee on the toilet and was so excited to wear his new Diego underware. Well just a few minutes ago I walk in and he says "Mom, I went poo in my underware". It was on the floor and down his legs... I am so disgusted! I want him potty trained, but I don't want to clean up these disgusting messes. Any advice out there for my Ammon??? He will pee on the toilet, but will not go poop! HELP...


Kim said...

Sorry, no advice here. I give you credit though for trying. If Quinnie hadn't been so easy, she would quite possibly be in diapers still.

The Crocketts said...

Hey Erin, Heather Crockett here. I heard once of someone cutting a whole in their sons diaper and having him sit on the toilet. I guess it worked for them. Prayer is what got me through! Lots of it! Good luck. Oh and I love the pics of Tait! Great job!

Dave and Natasha said...

I potty trained Aaralyn using the 3 Day Potty Training method. It worked really well! I will e-mail it to you if you send me your e-mail address.

Lora Lovell said...

So, Reagan and I have been going through this as well. As a matter of fact...I had to let him run around naked (in our house of course), because he would let me know if he had to go...but whenever he wore underwear...he would go in them.???

He is 3 and I was about ready to give up when...a few days ago, it just clicked for him. He even told me he had to go when we were out shopping!!

So, I say...don't push. It will only stress you out and him as well. I think boys are harder anyway. They get so busy playing, etc. Brienne trained very quickly...probably because she didn't want to get "dirty".

But now Reagan refuses to wear a diaper or anything like it. Yay!!

Good Luck with all of that. Sorry I don't have better advice. Just know that we have been there....and recently! :=)

Andrea F. said...

with trey we just let him run around the house all day with no underwear and no diaper and he knew he wasn't supposed to go on the floor...that seriously worked so well with us he was completely potty trained in 2 days!

Clenece said...

I HATE those messes! At least he is not rubbing poop all over your walls! Look on the bright side! Good luck!

Jess said...

Sorry- I have no advice...Chase was so easy! Just don't push it, and don't get mad at him for accidents (that will only freak him out!) Come to think of it...I let Chase run around naked too...try that out!

I guess I did have some advice!:)

Honey Family Blog said...

We are doing the same thing right now with Ellie, and she will only pee on the potty too. The poop thing on the potty scares her. She refuses to wear diapers now so I'm just hoping and praying that within the next couple of weeks she'll get over it. I don't think she'll poop in her underware forever (I hope)! If you have any luck let me know what worked for you!

Jill said...

Good luck with the potty training! It's great when it's all done, but boy, does it take a lot of patience. My advice, wait until he's ready. I also did the stay at home for a week and run around in the underwear trick. Works pretty good!

Hey, send me your email address and we'll chat about preschools.

Cami said...

NO advice from me, but would love any from you once you figure it out! ha I've been thinking about starting it with parker but keep holding it off! not excited about that. Good Luck!