Thursday, January 10, 2008

i LoVe mY hUsBaNd...

Mike is thee greatest husband! He gets up with Carter and lets me sleep for a couple hours every morning before he has to go to school and work. Carter is usually up like 6-7 times a night just screaming, so that is a REALLY big deal to me to be able to sleep 2 hours STRAIGHT. I actually don't think I could function without it. I love you Mike, thanks for being so sweet and such an awesome husband and father:)


Kiley said...

What a nice husband! Now that I don't nurse Hadley if she's up Brandon usually gets up too! Its a lifesaver!
I don't know how you get up with Carter so much! Get rid of your monitors and let him cry it out!! j'k

*/ Jillian said...

why is carter waking up so much? that is crazy. do you breast feed or bottle? is he wanting to eat when he gets up? I am just curious! arent husbands great like that?! Tell mike I say that is really nice and he should keep it up! Mommies get pretty tired.

Erin said...

I'm not sure why he is doing this, the Doc said to get up with him and not let him cry when he is screaming. He hasn't been screaming like he was as much lately, so maybe he will outgrow it! But I do breastfeed, and when he is screaming I have to nurse him because he is so upset and almost like he's still asleep! I don't know it's REALLy wierd. I feel bad for him- Ammon has never cried like Carter does so it worries me. But last night he only got up THREE Times- YIPEE!!!