Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ammon- When I grow up I'm going to be nice to my kids...

Me- What do you mean?

Ammon- I'm going to clean up their toy rooms with them... and not ever yell at them.

Me- Not even if you just barely cleaned up their stuff and they make a HUGE mess?

Ammon- Nope. I will just clean it up again.

Me- Will you yell at them if they break something?

Ammon- No, I will just fix it with tape.

Me- What if tape doesn't fix it?

Ammon- I will just keep tapeing it.

Me- Am I a good Mom?

Ammon- Not really. Well, kinda.

Me- Do you want to find a new family then?

Ammon- No, I just want to move back to St. George!


*/ Jillian said...

that is so funny. doesn't it make you so mad when your kids make you feel like crap. I swear we cant be perfect all the time ;)

kwBALE family said...

haha, how sad! We were just over at your parents house and was talking about the funny/rude things Ammon says. He is still so cute though! And you gotta love him.. he does have a good point about moving back to St. George already :) but I think you are a great mom, and so does Ammon, no matter what he says, haha

Grace said...

You really should save this conversation for when he has his own kids. We'll see just how true he is to his word. Having kids brings out the best in us...doesn't it? ;)