Monday, April 26, 2010

Nature walk {3/29/2010}

They love this small tree... isn't it cute???
Please don't mind {or judge me} for taking my kid outside in his pj's. He is a pick your battle kind of kid and I wasn't feeling up to the fight that would have taken place, so I let it slide. And I really don't care. HAHA.

We went on a nature walk where I had the kids try to find anything that wasn't green. It was really fun finding lots of new plants and bugs. Everything is in full bloom in California and I'm officially Allergic to California my eyes are itching as I write this. Not to mention that I haven't had allergies since before I got married, I'm really annoyed that every time I take my kids outside I can't breathe and my eyes itch and water. Anyways, that's enough complaining. It really is so beautiful!!!


kwBALE family said...

I love the pictures. It looks so pretty there! And.. I don't judge you for taking them out in their pjs.. way to pick your battle.. I'd let them wear whatever, haha who cares what people think

Grace said...

Now that I've been a mom for a few years...there are sooo many things that I "let slide". Mainly because I have also reached the point where I really don't care what others think. Hahaha.

Clenece said...

WOW you have been a busy girl updating your blog!! I miss you guys and I CAN'T WAIT to have you back in town!!