Friday, July 18, 2008

Todays...THE DAY!!!

Right now as I write this Mike is taking the MCAT (it's 6 hour test)! This is what we have been working toward since... well... FOREVER! I am a little nervous for him but mostly just EXCITED to be to this point. I know he will do well, he has been studying for it for a while (We won't find out the results for A MONTH). Hopefully we will be applying to Med School in a month from now!!!!!!! Ammon and I made him some "good luck" sugar cookies yesterday and as you can see Ammon had fun. We were both stained with blue food coloring since Ammon didn't listen when I told him to stop squeezing it out. Then he decided to eat it while I was cleaning up mess #1. His lips were BLUE... he looked like he was suffocating, but fortunately survived. Well GOOD LUCK babe, I know you'll do awesome!


Watts Family said...

I hope everything goes well...let us know. Have a fun weekend! Thanks for all the cute pictures of the kids you took! We love them.

*/ Jillian said...

Good luck to mike! That is exciting that you guys will be moving on to bigger and better in your life! Med school or bust!

Babe said...

Wow that's exciting!!! Good Luck!!

Clenece said...

Oh man, the dreeded test! I am sure Mike did AWESOME on it. We are excited to hear how well he does. It must feel so nice for having that OUT of the way. What a relief!!! Best of luck you guys!

Dave and Natasha said...

That's so cute of you to make him good luck cookies! It looks like Ammon really enjoyed them too! I hope he does well on the test!

BTW- ya, if you want to take pictures, anytime, let me know!!! I would love for you guys to come over and do some! I loved the maternity ones you did! I think they turned out really good!

Anonymous said...

Gook luck! That is exciting! I hope things turn out the way you want. those cookies were cute, and that is hilarious that his lips are blue. You are such a good mom to let him do that!

Erin said...

Oh Amy... I didn't let him do that. He just did it... he doesn't really listen very well. I love him anyway though... that stinker!

Megan and Curtis said...

Wow, that is a lot of hard work! I hope all goes well and wish the best for you guys!

Kim said...

Ohhhh! I hope you will let us know how he did...maybe next year you will be living somewhere close to us...but you want to go to arizona though right? Hey, can you send me your email address? Leave it on my blog or email it to

The Cary Family said...

How exciting! Good luck! I had to catch up on all your last posts...too cute! I just love your boys. They are so darling!

Dave and Natasha said...

Ya, if you want to do pics sometime this week, let me know. Really, the only day I have anything is tomorrow at 11:00, but anytime after then or another day.

Josh and Michele said...

Can't wait to hear how it went. I'm sure he will pass with flying colors. That's exciting and scary all at the same time.

Brandon & Keia Blake said...

wow! that is so exciting that you guys are to that point! Now you're going to have to move away :( How does he feel about the test?

Deedra said...

So have you guys heard how Mike did on the MCAT? Garrett is getting ready to apply to the nursing program and it is stressing me out!