Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today He's "Officially" ONE!!!!!!

My little walker, he is walking all over the house. He is into EVERYTHING right now. I think he has more fun pulling things out of the drawers or cupboards then playing with toys! He has learned how to hold his own with his brother, and he has a very strong grip!
They are best friends and I love that! They play all day and have alot of fun together. Carter acts like a totally different kid when Ammon isn't at home!
He was covered with cream cheese or so it looked that way!

One year ago I got started at 6:00 in the morning, and he was born at 3:28 in the afternoon. He was the BEST baby, he rarely cried and slept ALOT. He is still such a cuddle bug, he has such a cute personality. He is also so funny! He's new thing is when he is in his high chair he will throw food onto the floor. Then if it isn't cleaned up immediately he likes to have a snack and eat it off the floor. When I sweep it up he gets mad! He's so fun and we love him so much... Happy Birthday Bud!


Watts Family said...

I can't believe how time flies!!! He is such a cute funny boy, I'm so glad he is part of our family.

Anonymous said...

I too can't believe how time flies. Josie will be one year on Sunday. They are close in age. She hasn't started walking, lucky for me. Happy birthday bud!

LeAnn said...

Wow, one already. To crazy, it doesn't seem like it has been that long. What a cutie! I hope you guys have a fun day!

Love ya,

Deedra said...

Cute boy and a sweet post! Your a great mom!

Josh and Michele said...

Ohhh... such a cute tiny baby! Doesen't it make you want another one! I love babies.

Cami said...

I think I just figured it out, they just shared a birthday party together!? right? you planned that pretty good with them being exactly 2 years apart! cute boys!

Clenece said...

I can't believe he is 1!! Time has flown by! He is so adoreable!

Tracy S. said...

Cute cute boys!

Babe said...

They are so cute, I can't believe he is already one!!! Trey sleeps sooo much too, it's a nice break!!