Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Family Pictures

I LOVE Carters lips in this picture... I just want to KISS him!

This has become a tradition at our house... usually the day before Thanksgiving we get our family pictures taken. Jess did an awesome job since we were only shooting for like 20 minutes, thanks to the rain and ornery kiddos! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family or friends and lots of yummy food.
I am so Thankful for so many things... it has been keeping me up lately, so I will share a few.
*MY FAMILY & FRIENDS... this is an obvious one... but it couldn't be truer.
*THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST... without the knowledge we have of Eternal Families we would be lost. After losing so many family members in the past couple years, it brings so much comfort to our family.
*THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE A MOTHER... I know so many women that would be the best Mothers but are unable to get pregnant. This is a blessing I don't take lightly... I pray that they will ALL have the opportunity to be a Mother.
Happy Thanksgiving To You All...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Mike just got an invitation to interview at Touro. Touro is in Henderson, NV. and is one of Mikes top choice schools that he applied to. This isn't a guarantee but it is reassuring that our prayers are being heard. This is the first school that has asked him to interview but I'm sure with all the secondary applications we have had to fill out there will be more coming. So Congratulations Babe... your YEARS of hard work will pay off!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It finally HAPPENED...

I never thought it would but... Ammon's a BIG BOY now! He has gone poop 6 times on the toilet since yesterday morning! He LOVES to go and get praised from me. I am so thankful the potty training is over, he is going all by himself every time and hasn't had any accidents. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny little story... Yesterday (the second time he went) he said "Mom, I went again. It's a long one, it's like a choo-choo track". Yes, it's gross but funny! Good Job Bud!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Going Private...

Okay this time it's for REAL! It's just getting too scary (check this out I REALLY want to keep in touch with everyone... so please leave your email so I can send you an invite (even if I don't know your looking at my blog, but I know you). I hope we will all be able to stay in touch!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Gotta LOVE it...

Okay so this makes me laugh so I thought I would share. Ammon found the baby lotion and did Carters hair... doesn't it look GREAT? Not only did he do his hair but he left HUGE globs of lotion all over. Carter didn't mind until I was trying to take some pics. HILARIOUS
I took these pictures last week... I think they turned out awesome!